Gospel of Life Study

The dignity of the human person is written into each of us.

From the moment God created us, He wove into our fabric the uniqueness,

beauty, and truth of God's unfailing love for us.

Our dignity is fundamental to our existence and our relationship with God and one another.

We live in a world that has pointedly and diligently diminished our understanding of what dignity of the human person means.

Through social media, educational institutions, movies/television, music, literature, laws/politics, and every day interactions, we are weighed down by false and deceptive messages that oppose the truth and the good of each person.

On March 25, 1995, Pope Saint John Paul II promulgated his encyclical Evangelium Vitae; meaning the Gospel of Life,

to both reiterate the view of the Roman Catholic Church on the value of lifeand to warn against violating the sanctity of life.

Starting on May 12th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Center,

the *Where Mercy Abounds ministry will be hosting a 6 week study on this powerful and enriching document.

We will have 30 copies of the book available to be checked out or you can order a copy through the USCCB website for $9.95.

Though everyone is welcome to attend, we ask that any child (middle school - high school) be accompanied by a parent/guardian,

as this document focuses heavily on abortion, euthanizia, and other secular issues that plague our Catholic Faith and society.

For more information contact Jeff Worley 269-1278 or Emily Glasser (719) 553-8032

*Where Mercy Abounds is a ministry that works at the parish and Diocesan level with Fr. Matthew Wertin to promote the message of hope and healing after abortion.  Fr. Matthew Wertin is the Pueblo Diocese contact for Project Rachel, which is a network of specially trained priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons who provide a team response of care for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from abortion, please contact Fr. Matthew at (719) 544-9861 ext. 1171 or email him at mwertin@dioceseofpueblo.org to schedule a confidential meeting. This ministry is open to all, people of faith or no faith.