A Call to Serve - Ministries and Committees
A Call to Serve
Our invitation to serve in the parish ministries reminds us of the exhortation of St. Peter when he said, “each one of us has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these varied graces of God, put it at the service of others”(1 Pt. 4:10). In the body of Christ, we are amazingly blessed with different gifts and talents to be expressed in the various ministries in our parish reflecting the words of St. Paul that, “In the same way all of us, though there are so many of us, make up one body in Christ, and as different parts, we are all joined to one another” (Rm.12:5). It is our wish that as you read through these pages, you will be inspired to see where God is calling you to serve Him in our parish family with gladness. Every ministry you choose is a channel of God’s love, a means of growing as an instrument in God’s hands, a way to more deeply encounter Christ in other people and to become the best version of yourself. In these ministries we all give and we all receive something from God.
As you make this prayerful choice, ask God for the spirit of obedience and humility that the ministry you chose will become for you a space for peace and spiritual growth and not for conflict and power struggle. We are called to serve as our master Jesus came to serve and not to be served. God continues to whisper into our ears that powerful invitation to come and serve in the parish ministries. Please, find where He is calling you and generously give of yourself as He continues to bless us.
Liturgy |
Formation |
Building and Grounds
ALTAR SERVERS The altar servers assist at Eucharistic celebrations, especially on weekends and holy days. To participate in this ministry, one must have received first Holy Communion. Contact: Samantha & Emily Glasser 719-553-8032
ADULT ALTAR SERVERS Adult Altar Servers assist at daily mass and funerals. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
BIBLE STUDY/ADULT FAITH FORMATION These groups are scheduled through the year with topics for bible study, doctrinal teachings, prayer and fellowship. Come for a deeper knowledge of faith and encounter with Jesus Christ. Contact: Emily Glasser 719-553-8032
BUILDING AND GROUNDS This ministry oversees large maintenance projects and the improvement of parish buildings and grounds. Contact: Kevin Borre 719-557-1397
CANDLE MINISTRY This ministry takes care of the cleaning of the votive candle holders and replenishes them with new candles. Contact: Mary Manchester 719-275-6072
CATECHISTS Catechists help others to encounter and accept Christ through teaching, witness, prayer and building community. They are involved in the faith formation programs of our parish. Please, sign up and be involved in the faith journey of our children and parish. Contact: Emily Glasser 719-553-8032
CHURCH CLEANING This ministry does the cleaning of our place of worship every Monday morning. Contact: Pat Ruder 719-406-4084
COFFEE AND DONUTS This group hosts the coffee and donuts refreshment after 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Responsibilities include setting, serving and cleaning up. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
ENVIRONMENT This ministry has the responsibility of decorating St. Michael Parish for Christmas, Easter and other special liturgical celebrations. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Eucharistic adoration is the act of worshiping the real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. This ministry offers adoration, praise, worship and petition to Jesus every week. Contact: Emily Glasser 719-553-8032
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION This ministry, also known as EMHC, assists in the distribution of communion to the parish community at Mass. One must be a confirmed Catholic to participate in this ministry. Contact: Monica Kelly 719-429-0446
FINANCE ADVISORY The Finance Advisory Committee is an advisory consultative body required by Canon Law and is made up of members selected by the Pastor. Their responsibilities include oversight of the Parish accounting system and the development of the annual budget which is submitted to the Parish council and Pastor for review and approval. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY DINNERS (during Lenten Season) This ministry engages the community by preparing and serving Friday night fish during Lent. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
FUNERAL DINNERS Members of this ministry provide dinner for bereaved families and their friends in the parish hall after funerals. Contact: Gloria Strom 719-429-1603
HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP This group organizes special events such as Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day & Via Crucis. Contact: Livier Nunez 719-431-9083
HOSPITALITY (Greeters and Ushers) Those in this ministry welcome members of our parish and visitors each weekend, answer questions about the parish, help them find seats in the church, and assist with collection and those who bring up the gifts at Offertory. Contacts: Ken Burger 719-431-2085 or Jeannie Rector 719-269-8910
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS This fraternal organization for men is dedicated to serving the church and the parish in different ways. Central to their activities are promotion and defense of catholic teaching, the growth of the faith and social and humanitarian services. Contact: Dan Martinez 719-942-3253
LECTORS Those in this ministry proclaim the word of God to our parish community in a solemn and prayerful manner during the celebration of the liturgy. Contact: Jennifer Irvine 719-371-0524
LINEN MINISTRY This ministry cares for altar linens by laundering and pressing the linens used for liturgical celebrations. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
LOSS AND REMEMBRANCE This ministry provides prayer and support to families and individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Members of the ministry assist such families in preparing for the funeral liturgy as well as organizing the annual memorial mass. Contact: Jeannie Rector 719-269-8910
MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND This ministry is responsive to the needs of those in our parish that are disabled, sick or confined to their homes, hospitals or assisted living who, due to their condition, are not able to join us during Eucharistic celebration by taking communion to them and spending some time in prayer and presence. Contact: Julio Ramirez 719-334-7417
MUSIC This ministry serves the Lord among His people in a special way by leading the church gathered in worship and songs during Sunday liturgy and special occasions. Contact: Mike Nolan 719-429-2698
NEWCOMER WELCOME MINISTRY The ministry visits with new parishioners after mass to deliver information and welcome packages from the parish, sends welcome cards on behalf of the parish and encourages them to participate in the parish life as they walk through the process of integration. Contact: Jeannie Rector 719-269-8910
NEW LIFE PRAYER GROUP This group meets every Wednesday after mass for reflection on the word of God, prayer and fellowship. Contact: Fay Podsobinski 719-276-1415
PARISH/PASTORAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Part of the responsibility of this body is to work as a collaborative and consultative body with the Pastor for the life and mission of the church in the Parish. Members are appointed by the Pastor. Contact: Pastoral Council Chairperson Mary Manchester 719-275-6072
PARISH SOCIAL LIFE This ministry visions, plans, coordinates and produces social activities, receptions, parish dinners and other events that promote community life of the parish. Contact: Parish Office 719-275-7549
PRISON MINISTRY This ministry is responsive to the spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters in correctional facilities in our community by providing communion service, bible study and other spiritual exercises. Contact: Edie Knellinger 719-431-0724 or Rick Martinchalk 719-285-8724
RCIA MINISTRY This ministry organizes the faith formation program for adults interested in the Catholic Church. It is also open to those who want learn more about the Catholic faith. Contact: Emily Glasser 719-553-8032
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH This is offered during the regular school year; classes are held each Saturday or Sunday after 4:30 p.m. or 9:00 a.m. Mass in the Parish Center and/or school building for all ages, kindergarten through high school. Sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are important elements of this education. Contact: Emily Glasser 719-553-8032
SACRISTANS The Sacristans act as coordinators for the liturgy on weekend masses and other special occasions. These Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist prepare the gifts for mass and set up the sacred vessels. Contact: Mary Manchester 719-275-6072
WORKS MINISTRY This group of volunteers collaborate with the parish maintenance personnel to organize and take care of movement of heavy materials and equipment for parish programs inside and outside the campus. Setting for big events and dismantling after. Contact: Manny Sosa 719-521-9768
YOUTH MINISTRY/RETREATS Committed to bringing the most faithful and innovative methods for our youth to be integrated into the parish life using catholic theology, spirituality, service, scripture and social events as instruments to lead our young generation to have a deeper encounter with God to love and serve Him. Contact: Emily Glasser 719-553-8032